Saturday, August 9, 2008

Energy Vortexes in Klaus Joehle book

Yesterday I had a video talk with a person who said he found me and got interested because of Energy Vortexes that I mentioned when translating Denisov's instructions in online teleportation lesson.

On this subject you may find extremely interesting a book "Living on Love - The Shameful Secret" by my friend Klaus Joehle. He shares a lot of information on Energy Vortexes there -- information that he found in a hard way. The book is available online for free and also can be bought at Amazon.

What is an Energy Vortex? - a place where light and darkness meet

From "Few words before we start" in "The Shameful Secret" by Klaus Joehle:

  • If we look towards light we see light, if we turn around we see shadows. That should tell you something; see its something you never thought of is it? Its there every day and you don’t see it but it affects everything you do and by not realizing that its there and what it means is that the experience you we have will be that of confusion. What this means is that we do not live in the light and we do not live in the darkness but we live where they meet right in the middle. Now you understand why it’s all so confusing like they’re are always opposing forces working one way as you go the other. Its an explosive place where its hard to tell with way is up. There is a balance and yet there is none. Best of all there is two of everything. When I say light and darkness I am not referring to good and evil just to two opposing forces of contrast. That’s what makes this place so interesting it is seemingly built on and colossal contrast.

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