Thursday, January 15, 2009

Personal teleportation experience report

----- Original Message -----
From: John Shuman
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 3:21 PM
Subject: a personal teleportation experience

When I was about 10, I and a friend I only remember as Jojo were walking, exploring a little further from home than we should have been.  At a point in our walk, we came upon a seemingly isolated house and got curious.  We approached the house and at about 15 yards from the porch, a Doberman we hadn't seen lunged at us from under theporch. We turned to run and I focussed on a stop sign at the other end of the street with the thought that that was far enough away fro the dog's territory to satisfy it.  At 2-3 strides, I was suddenly passing the sign.  I turned to check on Jojo and the dog.  The dog had made it about 1/3-1/2 way to Jojo, who was back where I had apparently left him.  I watched as the dog bit him on the hand.  An older kid came out and collected the Doberman.  He talked with Jojo for a few minutes then Jojo came back to me.  It took him about 1-2 minutes to at normal speed walk the estimated 100-125 yards to me beside the stop sign.  When he got to me, I know he asked me something and I made some sort of reply.  I don't remember what the content of the conversation was.  I seemed to be blocking it out and I wanted to "put it aside" to be "normal".  The walk home was a blur and I haven't yet been able to remember what the conversation was.

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Nikolay Denisov wrote:

Kostya, this is very interesting message.
Please write him that such events were the main reason I began systematic research into human abilities to teleport himself.
Tell him "thanks!" for this message and ask to report all the instances of spontaneous teleportation.
Please place this message into your English and Russian blogs. The more messages like this we get, the less will become the psychological barrier that feel those who want to learn teleportation.

Denisov N.N.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Brian reports teleporting objects, wants to learn teleporting himself

Message received by Nikolay Denisov from Brian:

How do you phisically teleport your self?
I am trying to teleport objects and its going good so I wanted to try and teleport myself.
So how do I teleport myself?
Please answer me even if you say no that you dont want to tell me i understand but can you atleast reply?

Denisov asked me to send a reply and here it is:
Brian, Nikolay Denisov invites you to the next online teleportation lesson. We will be glad to meet you via video chat.

Could you please tell us about your efforts and results with teleporting objects? What objects, what is your technology? Did you use recordings of the video lessons by Denisov to learn teleportation or have you learned it by yourself?

As to the teleportation of humans - as far as I know, Denosov researchers do try to achieve it. They have not achieved it on purpose, but two of them reported self teleportation in the last 6 months - but it wasn't on purpose.

If I will be tranlsating next online teleportation lesson, then it's gonna be after January 25, 2009 - because right now I'm in Kiev, Ukraine and can't do it from here.
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