Soul Love, a fellow reader from "Klaus Joehle books forum" sent me a nice piece on teleportation:
Sunday, May 17, 2009
on teleportation from Goldberg
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sorry, I didn't get there
Guys, sorry, I missed May 9, 2009 online teleportation lesson.
Totally forgot about it until it was too late.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Message from LA
Got a message on youtube (sent on Mar 22, 2009):
Good Day, My name is Johnny Martinez and I have always been interested in the paranormal phenomena. I am interested in taking your classes how do I begin. I thank you for your brave work and look forward in sharing you with all my friends here in Los Angeles. I work in the television and film industry and if this is true, I am sure my friends will want to make a documentary. Thank you for your time and consideration.I look forward on getting started as soon as possible.
Johnny Martinez
-- p.s. I tried the and it didn't work for me. Did I do something wrong or has it been restricted already?
My answer:Dear Johnny,
Thanks for your interest and your message.
sorry for the long delay with this reply - I just wasn't checking my youtube inbox.
Correct email to reach Denisov is
Sat, May 9, 2009 we'll have next free online teleportation class
What you need to be there.
come yourself and bring your friends. The more psychic you are - the better your chances for success.
With interest, Kostya
Parts to Teleportation process. Need much energy
Got a question on Youtube:
My name is Angelo
and whats the teqnique in teleportation
or what do you have to do in order to teleport
please send me a helpful answer
Dear Angelo, Nikolay Denisov explains in the lesson what one needs to do to teleport a coin. Should I repeat that?
OK, there are 2 parts to the process:
0. count all the money you have in pockets and in your wallet - where you normally put money. Count coins and bills. Write it down.
1.1. know what item to teleport
1.2. where to get it
1.3. where to put it
2.1. gather all your energy in solar plexus
2.2. fire the energy upwards through your head in a vortex of energy
2.3. go with the vortex to the coin
2.4. grab the coin
2.5. immediately fall back into your body. If you did it right - there will be extra money on you
3. count the money in pockets and in your wallet. Compare to the sum you had in the beginning
its Angelo again.
ive been watching the lessons and i dont get the lesson 2.11
there were 2 people that got the results.
how did they get the results?
and what do u have to do to get the results?
because ive was following the videos and i didnt get the result.
how they get the results? It's an energy-consuming practice. Therefore, I guess, they were able to summon enough energy.
How can you get the results? Of course, there are other ways to get this little coin. But if you want to teleport it, you can try to raise the level of your energy with yoga, meditation and other practices. And then come to our Free Online Teleportation Lesson by Nikolay Denisov.
Next lesson will be on Sat, May 9, 21:00 Moscow time. See details in my blog
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Free online teleportation lesson on May 9, 2009
Only two persons showed up for today's lesson - Aphanas (Canada) and Emine (object designer, Istambul, Turkey). So Denisov and I decided to reschedule a lesson for May 9, 2009, 21:00 Moscow time.