Hi guys! Here are our news:
Today I had a chat with Nikolay Denisov over the phone. While I was on a fest with my friends Denisov went to Russian city of Arzamas for some recreation with his friends. They wanted to pick some mushrooms in the forest (we cook and eat them here, in Russia), but there were too few of them because of hot weather.
Denisov is still interested in giving free online teleportation lessons to new students. But I'm going to Crimea, Ukraine on weekend -- so, probably, we will give you these lessons in October 2008, when I get back to Moscow.
Oh, in my absence Denisov had an online lesson with persons from France and, I think, Holland. They were Russian speakers. And they got interesting results. Good!
Also we talked about training or seminars to those who want to learn it. Gunes from Turkey brought up this topic -- she wanted to come to Moscow with her American friends and have Denisov teach them. Sounds interesting! But such seminars won't be free.
Denisov says that he would recommend first taking Vision (with eyes covered) training from him for 2 sets of 5 days. It's 2 hours per day -- and believe me it's two very intense hours! The cost is 500 Euro per 5 day course. It's the same price that Russians pay for Denisov Vision training.
After 5 days you (or most of you) will beging to see something with your eyes covered. In another 5 days you will read text. Some of you will read small print and some will see only big characters.
Then we talked about goals of our Teleportation Research project. We believe that it would be nice to promote Teleportation research with some kind of scientific program. Would be nice to find financing for 1 year reseach project (pay to staff, pay to teleportation practitioners).
Here is a research program steps:
1. Teleport a coin (certain object) to yourself
2. Put a mark on a coin anв then teleport it to yourself
3. Teleport a coin (an object) into certain place -- into an empty glass near you
4. Use your Vision and teleport certain marked coin into a certain place that is NOT near you
5. Teleport yourself into different place
Don't know about #4, but 1, 2,3 are done by some teleportation students of Denisov. #5 is happening but it's not controlled yet.
I know of a person in Moscow that had 2 not controlled self-teleportations, I was telling this before. And Denisov heard of 2 other persons that experienced that. Good.
I asked Denisov to come up with details for his Teleportation training in Moscow -- if you guys want to come. He came up with same price as for Vision training. So it's 500 Euro for 5 days. Only 1 hour per day -- because it will be pretty hard if you do it with dedication.
There was an idea to make this training online. Denisov says he could give online Teleportation seminar for the same price. But the results will be better if he works with students directly face to face in physical world.
Unfortunately, for Russia you need a visa. So this seminar could be conducted in Ukraine or even in Turkey. Denisov likes the idea of doing it in Turkey.
Puff! I did it -- written everything out. Now you have it! Thanks for your interest!
If you have ideas on how to promote Teleportation Research -- I will gladly hear you in comments or at gmail.com -- my nick is kostyazen.
Because I have a more important this to do -- promoting
a book on Love. But I just couldn't go past such a thing as this Teleportation, you know?