Saturday, September 26, 2009

Who is Boris Zolotov?

Well guys, I'm back at home - in Kiev, Ukraine. For 2 months I was at Boris Zolotov seminar in Sochi, Russia - on the coast of Black Sea.

Who is Boris Zolotov and why I shared here some info from his seminar? He is the person who taught "magic" to Nikolay Denisov. Zolotov and his students were the first to discover and practice both

Seeing with eyes covered
teleportation of objects

A woman from Feodosia, Ukraine, who was Boris Zolotov student, worked with vision. 8 year later a guy from same town, Feodosia, began teaching this skill in Moscow. Maybe you've heard of him - Vyacheslav Bronnikov.

Nikolay Denisov also teaches this skill to his Moscow students.

Zolotov seminar in Izrailovka town was the first time when guys achieved teleportation effect. Now Denisov is continuing this research further.

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