Monday, February 1, 2010

Price for studying with Nikolay Denisov

Hello, my name is Bo. I would very much like to learn what you have to teach. Thank you for your time.

Please find below the price Nikolay Denisov charges for teaching vision with eyes covered.
For teaching teleportating the price is the same.

First stage of clarivoyance training lasts 5 days. In this time you need to learn getting 1 piece of information (a character, a figure, a number) in an unusual way - by using new channel of perception. Your hightened perception will allow you with your eyes covered:
to "see" a character
trace it with your finger
open eyes and find that what you "saw" is what is there in reality.

This 5-day course is an introduction into an extra-sensory-perception world. Only those who went through this course can continue the studies.

Advantage of my method is the fact that the student is checking his results by himself.
Studies take 2 hours a day. Price for the 5-day course is 600 (six hundred) Euros (translation included).

Of course it's more effective to study with a teacher face to face. But we can try to do this over internet. To do this you need the following:

1. Internet connection 2.5 Kbit/sec or faster
2. Good webcam like Logitech® QuickCam® Communicate Deluxe or better
3. ooVoo program. Install it from and send me your ooVoo name in email.

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